Sep 24, 2021 • Blog

Decide Where an Office Should be Located with Time Data

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What is an office location map?

An office location map uses geospatial analysis to pinpoint where an office should be placed. These maps also allow you to visualise employee commute time data on a map, so you can determine the best location for an office. You can use an office location map to:

  • Visualise potential office locations on a map
  • Analyse employee commute times to different locations by different modes of transport
  • Layer other important information onto the map, like local amenities

Let’s take a look at some examples. 

Office location maps

Map office locations

You can use a location analysis tool, such as TravelTime Analytics, to plot the locations of the potential offices on a map.


Plotting the postcodes on an office location map allows you to gain a greater understanding of the areas under consideration and analyse potential office locations in relation to other factors, such as staff commute times.


Analyse staff travel times

You can also add your employee’s home addresses to the office location map. You can then explore staff commute times to the potential office locations by different modes of transport.

Office location map calculating public transport commute times 


Office location map calculating driving commute times 



This can allow you to identify clusters of staff who live close to potential office locations. It can also help you identify staff members who live close to each other, but far away from preferred office locations. You might then consider introducing a minibus to help these staff members with their journey.


Layer the map

In addition to analysing staff commute times, you can also layer other data onto your office location map. This will allow you to analyse potential office locations in relation to factors, such as:

  • Average rent
  • Potential for hiring new talent
  • Proximity to existing clients
  • Proximity to potential clients

You might also consider layering points of interest on the map, such as:

  • Local gyms
  • Medical facilities
  • Transport links
  • Parking facilities
  • Local shops and restaurants

This can help you to consider the amenities that will be available to your staff, and whether you need to make further provision. For example, you might find an office with very reasonable rent rates that are located in an industrial park with no amenities. You might then consider hiring a food van, or incorporating a canteen into your office.

Benefits of an office location map

Choose the right location

An office location map gives you the tools to make an informed decision about office location.  

Visualising potential office locations on a map allows you to gain a greater understanding of the areas under consideration. By layering your office location map with additional data you can have a true awareness of the risks, benefits and financial implications of the move to each potential office.

Get in touch to discuss your project and create your own office location map.

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Plan for negative impact

Creating an office location map can help you to anticipate the impact of the move and plan for any changes that might be received negatively by staff.

For example, you might realise that your chosen office location will mean a key member of staff having to commute further and at extra cost. You might offer them a flexi-time incentive, or introduce a season ticket loan scheme to help with their travel costs.

Providing staff with a summary of their changed commute times and a plan to counteract any negative effects will also let employees know they are valued.

Incentivise staff

An office location map can be a way of incentivising staff. You can show them the positive effects that the move will have on their working day. You might be able to show them how the move will:

  • Reduce commute times
  • Reduce commute costs
  • Reduce travel time to customers and clients


To find out more about how to make an office relocation map, take a look at our office relocation guide. For more information about office location analysis download the full office relocation analysis report.


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